Thursday, August 14, 2008

Music Mystery Solved!

Apparently I am not destined for hell ...

Our neighbor Stacey sent this email to us after reading yesterday's post:

"Regarding the music Michelle referred to in her blog: Every night this summer, Mike and I sit out on our deck, looking at the stars, having our cocktails AND listening to his extensive collection of 70's music! We often forget to turn it off after going inside. Those outdoor Bose speakers really carry, so I think Michelle might be hearing our music. In the future, we will be more careful with the volume and cutting it off at a decent hour."

I always knew I had bionic hearing to compensate for the fact that I, literally, cannot see three inches in front of my face, but I had no idea it was that good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So Elastigirl could also be known as SuperEar? :),